47% cities stared Open Data in Japan. Open Data Next in Japan Hi, I'm Taisuke Fukuno, the founder of jig.jp, a software company. I live in Sabae city, Fukui prefecture, Japan. And I'm a Open Data Evangelist appointed by the Japanese Gorvenment. We're providing softwares and the $15 personal computer to learn basic programming, IchigoJam. In Sabae city, all 9 years old kids use IchigoJam in the school, and some grew up as engineers. I created jig browser app, and participated W3C in 2010. I met Sir Tim and Open Data there. I felt Open Data is a infrastructure representing the 21st century. If Open Data delays, IT business delays. I proposed to the mayor of Sabae city to start Open Data. He quickly decided it. Japan's first Open Data city started in January 2012 from Sabae city. Japan enters the DX season. DX means the digital transformation in Japan. We try to transform entire pretty good analogue processes to on-line. It's a big project. Useful Open Data is important as infrastructure. Code for Sabae started DXGOV project as civic tech. I created 3 apps under COVOD-19 situation. 1. "globalsafe" is the gathering information app from Japanese Embassies. The data source is XML Open Data by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2. VS COVID-19 is the app finding the support information by private sectors. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry gathering that information and publish as Open Data. We created app in Social Hack Day by Code for Japan as civic tech. 3. Dashboard against COVID-19 Japan started from civic tech also. I wanted to see local medical situation about COVID-19. I gathered and organized data from 47 prefectures and visualized that as an app. A mount of total access is exceed 5 million. Even now 5,000 access per day. This app was introduced on white paper from Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. It was not on easy way. Each prefectures provide them data not under standards, PDF, Excel, HTML, CSV and just image! I made 46 data transformation programs in JavaScript. And I'm checking that transformation is collect or not everyday. All programs are open-source on GitHub. I hoped all prefectures will provide standard CSV Open Data. Finally, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare started CSV Open Data with some data. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry started the open-source project to share standards on GitHub. This is my personal project "1 day 1 creation" since 2012. I made Taiwan Mask app as one of that. It's very easy to create because data is CSV Open Data! Open Data is not only government sectors. I try to push to pull Open Data from private bank companies. For example the finding ATM app with Open Data will help us not only Japanese. And if this app mashed-up with historical story Open Data makes our trip richer! IchigoJam IoT meets Open Data Bus project is spreading in Japan. The communication fee of each device is just $1 per month! Our another global project, Virufy aims to detect COVID-19 by cough sound data. A leader Mr. Amil Khanzada lived in Japan. Our global team has 2 Japanese. Virufy provides cough sound Open Data for anyone who interested. We want to connect Open Data in Asia. Let's make CSV Open Data and collaborate to create delicious apps in Hackathon or on communities! Please join our Code for Japan Slack! Thank you. Appendix, History of Open Data Japan